Our screening process

Each of our applicants go through an in-depth screening process designed to measure commitment, subject matter expertise, professionalism, and communication skills. The full screening process takes about 10 days to complete.


Resume pre-screening

The first step in the process is to take a look at their resume. Is it written in English? How are their writing skills? Do they have the required work experience?  Have they made an impact at their current organization?


In-depth skill review.

Next, we have our internal team to take a look at their level of technical expertise. For example, if it’s a UX designer, we have one of our own top UX designers look at the prospective candidate’s portfolio and ask discerning questions.


Live Screening 1: English-language and personality assessment.

One of our interview experts conducts the first live screening. The goal here is to determine both English-language proficiency and professionalism. Is their English spotless? Are they well-presented?


Live Screening 2: Mesure commitment level.

The final live screening is really focused on looking for the candidates commitment level. We have learned from being founders that commitment is critical for job and company success. 


So that you only work with the best! Here is what to expect:

English proficient

Effortless and clear communication.

US time-zone

Immediate reply to you and your clients.

More Value

Expert professionals at entry-level salaries.

Senior level

Minimum of 5 years of experience in their field.

US Cultured

No drama, just committed to help you grow.

World-class talent

You get better talent than going through a local recruiting agency.

Dedicated and hard-working

Will go the extra mile to deliver.​


Committed to one client only on a full-time basis.​

Find the best candidates for your company!

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